Audio Visual Experience Artist


Welcome to my motion design showcase.
Here, you'll find a selection of my most compelling projects – each one showcasing my passion for creating dynamic and engaging visual experiences. Browse through these showreels to explore my work in motion design.
And whatever you do, don't blink.

Reel of 2021

Gerold Brunner - Motion Design Reel 02

00 - Intro - inspired by Vincent Schwenk
04 - Blend 3015 - Animation
07 - Marantec Image - Concept to Post, sans Audio
08 - Seed and Stem - Animation
09 - Motion Design DNA - Animation
10 - LHC - Direction, Design, Animation
12 - Unsere Post - Animation
12 - LHC - Diretion, Co-Design, Stop-Motion, 2D
15 - Motion Design DNA - Animation
18 - Radeberger - Direction, Design, Animation
23 - DB Click&Ride - Co-Direction, Animation
26 - MOA Open Air - Co-Design, Co-Animation
29 - Marantec Image - Concept to Post, sans Audio
30 - Tubes - Design, Animation
33 - Grimme Preis - Look, Animation
34 - Motion Corpse - Design, Animation
38 - Radeberger - Direction, Design, Animation
39 - LHC - 3D, Animation
42 - DB Click&Ride - Co-Direction, Animation
44 - Seed and Stem - Animation
46 - Outro

Gerold Brunner - Motion Design Reel 01

00 - Intro - Everything
06 - Swisscom SmartLife - Rigging, Animation
10 - DVAG VASP - Co-Direction, Co-Design, Stop-Motion
13 - TK - Rigging, Animation
15 - Hackathon - Concept, Design, Animation
16 - DVAG VASP - Co-Direction, Co-Design, Stop-Motion
19 - ING-Diba - Co-Direction, Stop-Motion, Animation
21 - Icons - Animation
24 - Platooning - Concept, Design, Animation
27 - DVAG VASP - Co-Direction, Co-Design, Stop-Motion
32 - DVAG VASP - Co-Direction, Co-Design, Stop-Motion
35 - LH - Design, Animation
37 - Outro